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-Healing Crystals-

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The stones are first dug out of the mine, into the hands of various processors and buyers, and finally reach you from a distant foreign land.

All the stones we handle are the high quality stones that Ayano Rei searched for with his feet.

We purchase only the stones that were peen when we went to buy the so-called "Foster Parents of Stones" and match those who take good care of them.

This method, which can only be done with a complete full order, seems inefficient, but I think it serves as a foster parent for stones.

I got an order and went looking for a stone.

Naturally, the delivery date is late, and the price is a little high because we only handle high quality stones that suit the client.

If you buy it at a stone shop in the city, there will be many more reasonably priced ones.

Of course, if it goes well with you, it will show its power, and above all, it's best to like it, so I think it's okay.


At our shop, we listen to the various tastes of our customers and search for and set the stones that are most compatible with them.

And I hope you will find that the higher the quality, the more affordable it is than the market price.

Because it is a stone that has crossed the ocean for you, it should be effective and protect it.

Therefore, please ask before mounting. As I mentioned earlier, stones cross the hands of many people and make long journeys. During that time, of course, it will not be effective.

It's just a stone.
For example, if someone you pass by in a crowd is very internally tired, do you want to help?
But what if it's a very close friend, family, or lover?

Want to help as much as you can?
So is the stone.

By getting along well, you will be able to protect yourself and exert your strength to support as much as possible.
We deliver it in a purified state, so it is my great pleasure as a "stone foster parent" to get along well with the stones.

High quality stones at a "reasonable price".

We will deliver it with confidence, so please feel free to contact us!
Order breath is available from ¥ 5,000.

We will deliver your own design, a gemstone of a lifetime.

Atelier Yanorei Representative

Akino Kita

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We want our customers to be happy with reasonable price. We would like to be a general merchant company of happiness.

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© 2016 AyanoRay. Rouge Mage Bijou and Ayano Kita

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